------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLD NEWS:

What Happen to the guild you may ask? We was so good in BC! Christmas 2008 was around the corner and allot of real life stuff came up  that got in the way of being online and able to manage a guild properly also depression from a family member that passed away made me always in a bad mood despite all that i saw people where getting desperate for some raiding so i set up a naxx run by the time we got all the people online and started pulling it was already getting late but we still managed to down the first 3 bosses and had fun doing so we was suppose to continue the raid the next few days but when i tried to get on my internet keept messing up on me and eventually our offtank left us which made it very hard to do any raids as its hard to pug a tank then people started leaving the guild and eventually i told everyone to go there separate ways so they could start raiding and not get held back by my mistakes.


Never Fear i plan to re open The Lunatics Network again and learn from my mistakes and run a even better raiding guild then it once was